The young have a voice, or “Let’s go in Jasło”


Young people often have fresh ideas and innovative perspectives on different areas of life. They can contribute to the social, cultural or artistic development of their city by introducing new projects, events and initiatives. Hence, at the invitation of the Jaslo City Hall, representatives of Jaslo youth were able to participate in the creative workshop “The role of youth in the life of the city”.

We want young people to be actively involved in the life of the city and create their vision of Jasło, which is close to them. Often they have a lot of ideas, comments or observations that they share with their friends, but they do not know what to do, where to pass them on so that they can be implemented. They are not aware that their voice counts and is very important to us – because in fact Jasło is supposed to be their city,” describes the role of the workshops Jadwiga Gancarz-Żebracka, head of the Revitalization and Strategy Department.

The meeting was conducted in two forms: a lecture, during which young people learned about the possibilities of involving young people in the life of the city, and a workshop, during which the citizens of Jaslanie worked out their ideas for the city. All of this was translated into a mind map on an ongoing basis, with the assistance of a cartoonist. The graphic recording technique used, allowed to illustrate “brainstorming” and at the same time was a form of consultation with young people. The meeting was conducted by the Civis Polonus Foundation.

So what should our Jasło look like according to the youth? We encourage you to study the resulting mind map!

The creative workshop was conducted in the framework of the “Let’s go Jasło” project: “Jasło – my city, my home” funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget.

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