Meetings with a career animator as part of the “Career Pathways – tailor-made education” project


The main goal of the project is to develop a mechanism for shaping and managing careers in Jaslo, at every stage of life through appropriate counseling/mentoring, education and in-service training tailored to current and projected demand in the local labor market. The goals are helped to be realized by the project participants by the career office staff and career animators.

Currently, 163 people have benefited from support in this project (data as of the end of June this year).

Thanks to the high qualifications of the project team (an animator who has a postgraduate degree in vocational and personal counseling, another animator has a PhD in economics and experience in HR consulting), some of the reported needs of the project participants, in terms of vocational counseling and coaching, were realized precisely through meetings with animators.

The success of the project is that it led to the acquisition of new professional qualifications by dozens of project participants. They received assistance from the career office in finding a source of funding, filling out a grant application and preparing documentation. This is an additional effect of the project.

The project also resulted in a dozen people taking up professional jobs or internships. Assistance was provided, for example, by preparing for an interview with a future employer, preparing a resume and motivational support.

In-depth counseling and coaching will be carried out in the second stage of the project, for those who report such a need.

The project “Career paths – tailor-made education” is implemented within the framework of the project “Jasło – my city, my home” funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism EEA 2014-2021 and the state budget.

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