Free installations – subsidies for installation of photovoltaic, solar, gas boiler

Plakat dot. darmowych instalacji fotowoltaika, kolektory słoneczne, kotły gazowe

Detailed information, rules of participation and declaration are available at: and and in hard copy at the City Hall in Jaslo, Information Desk / first floor.

Additional information at phone no: 13 443 70 22.

Declaration together with a certificate from MOPS and a copy of the property deed should be submitted to the seat of the City Hall in Jaslo, general office /ground floor/.

The project “Ecological Campaign for Environmental Protection with the Union of Municipalities of the Wisłoka River Basin – Investment Part” is implemented by the Union of Municipalities of the Wisłoka River Basin – a partner of the project “Jasło – my city, my home”, co-financed from the funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget.

Together we are working towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.