AAC and Us- step by step


As part of the Genius Ideas Exchange competition for the city of Jaslo, we are implementing a project on communication between children with intellectual disabilities and their peers in the intellectual norm from Jaslo elementary schools. During the project: AAC-will you tell me? – how to facilitate communication between children with intellectual and multiple disabilities and their peers in the intellectual norm from Jaslo elementary schools? we are exploring the secrets of communication in its broadest sense.

While working on the project, we noticed that our peers with disabilities who have difficulty communicating express their emotions and needs in a different way, such as crying, reacting with aggression or isolating themselves. In order to work together in our unique team we are learning the ins and outs of AAC- Augmentative and Alternative Communications. We learn both in theory and practice the various methods and forms of AAC communication, such as:

  • Natural gestures
  • MAKATON – a system of gestures and graphic symbols
  • PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) – a system of physical exchange of symbols (as carriers of meaning) between a non-speaking person and his interlocutor.
  • GPS (Growth through Play System) – a system of development through play
  • Picture Communication Symbols (PCS): is a collection of simple drawings denoting basic words necessary for everyday communication.
  • Pictograms: a white symbol on a black background

    Specialized software to aid communication, such as Talkik
    Thanks to this, we learn to get used to the disabilities of our teammates and understand their needs. And by doing so, we all feel equally important people and team members. Which we demonstrate with the following graphic taken from: Sally Millar, University of Edinburgh UK, compiled by Alina Smyczek and photos of our work together.

Project team: Maja, Milena, Igor, Patryk

The GGP task is implemented within the framework of the project: “Jasło – City of Knowledge” carried out within the framework of the project financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget titled “Jasło – my city, my home”.

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