Recruiting exhibitors for the 2nd Jasielsk Job, Education and Career Fair


Are you an entrepreneur? Are you looking for employees for your company? Don’t know how to reach them?

Take part in the 2nd Jasło Job, Education and Career Fair organized by the City of Jasło in partnership with the Jaslo Entrepreneurs Association. The fair will be held on April 21 this year from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the sports hall of the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center in Jasło, at 15 Sikorskiego St. Recruitment of exhibitors has just begun.

The fair is an excellent opportunity to present your company’s activities and promote job, internship or apprenticeship offers. By taking part in this event you have a chance to attract candidates with the qualifications you require and a variety of competencies.

Participation in the fair is free of charge. Companies interested in participating, please send completed application documents to the following e-mail address: .

Applications will be accepted until April 14. The number of places is limited, and participation is determined on a first-come, first-served basis. Do not delay and apply today!

For additional information, contact the Department of Entrepreneurship Support of the City Hall in Jasło, tel. 13 44 86 327, e-mail

The Jaslo Job, Education and Career Fair is implemented as part of the Entrepreneurship Days project in the project “Jaslo – my city, my home” financed from the funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget. For more information about the project, visit

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