Jasielski Children’s University – we know the results of the enrollment for the 2023/24 academic year


The deadline for submitting application forms for participation in the 14th edition of Jasielski Children’s University expired last Sunday (September 24). Seventy-five young students will participate in the upcoming new academic year of the Juni University. All of the scheduled classes and scientific workshops will be held at the GEN Science Generator (2 Bednarska Street).
Jasielski Children’s University has been popular with Jasielski residents for more than a decade. Confirmation for such a thesis can be found, among other things, in the number of application forms sent in by Jasło residents. In the recruitment for the 2023/24 academic year there were as many as 143.

Seventy-five young students will take part in the next edition of the Junior University. Interesting scientific workshops will await children aged 6, 7 and 8. However, before they begin to explore the secrets of knowledge in various fields of science, they will meet to formally inaugurate the new academic year. The event will take place this Saturday (September 30) in the auditorium of the GEN Science Generator. The freshmen will take the oath of office, listen to the “Gaudeamus igitur” song, receive indexes and receive scientific layettes. That’s not all. The inauguration of the new academic year will also be accompanied by a demonstration, thanks to which the children will discover the secrets of electric current, electrostatic interactions and magnetic phenomena.

The first classes of the Jasielski Children’s University will be held on October 7 this year.

Jasielski Children’s University is an educational project aimed at encouraging children to learn and awakening their passion for exploring the world of knowledge. It is implemented by the City of Jasło as part of the project: “Jasło – City of Knowledge” implemented within the framework of the project, financed from the funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget titled “Jasło – my city, my home”.