University of the Third Age…


A visit to the University of the Third Age in Jaslo was the next stage of our project, entitled. “Language that connects. What can be done so that young JASL residents can better communicate with seniors?”

We had the pleasure of participating in the activities, and more precisely in the author’s meeting with the writer Jacek Lapinski entitled “With a smile to your face. Good humor is a better life,” which showed seniors and non-seniors alike the power of positive thinking and how it positively affects all aspects of life. The class was extremely inspiring and packed with a large dose of good humor.

Emilka, Mikolaj, Milosz, Tomek

The GGP task is implemented within the framework of the project: “Jasło – City of Knowledge” carried out within the framework of the project financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget titled “Jasło – my city, my home”.

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