Take no question, take a hug …

zajęcia Giełda Genialnych Pomysłów

Students of the Special School and Educational Center, together with their peers from Elementary School No. 2 in Jasło, are carrying out a social educational project entitled: Take no questions, take a hug – how to increase the sensitivity of young Jasło residents to the difficulties in the functioning of people with various disabilities? One of the main objectives of the program is to promote the idea of Jasło – a city of knowledge. Classes are held at the newly opened Science Generator in Jasło, as well as at the Special School and Educational Center in Jasło.

In recent weeks, we, as members of the project team, have had the opportunity to get to know each other, establish friendly relationships and break down shyness and communication barriers during group integration activities. We also managed to develop some rules for cultural and effective work in our Team.

In order to understand the problems of peers with disabilities, our group interviewed an oligophrenopedagogue, i.e. a specialist who works with students of the Special School and Educational Center in Jasło on a daily basis. In addition, we performed interesting experiments, during which we tried to cope with simple activities, having immobilized limbs, limited ability to speak or see. This allowed us to understand what a person with deficits feels. We were able to name these very difficult emotions and impressions, to release our own sensitivity, sympathy, kindness towards people with disabilities.

The result of our joint work is a poster made using special teaching materials Take Don’t Ask, Take a Hug, which we will use in a social campaign to increase social sensitivity to the situation of people with disabilities in Jasło.

Artur, Daria, Tatiana, Karol, Zuzia, Sara

The GGP task is implemented within the framework of the project: “Jasło – City of Knowledge” implemented within the framework of the project financed from the funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget titled “Jasło – my city, my home”.

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