Take no question, take a hug …


The project team formed within the framework of the Exchange of Brilliant Ideas for Jaslo, consisting of Tatiana, Artur, Daria, Sara, Zuzia and Karol, set themselves the task of getting to know and enter into a relationship with peers with various disabilities. The first meetings took place in November/December of last year. Initially, it was difficult for us to establish relationships, the Team members felt uncomfortable, a bit alien, and had trouble starting a conversation with their peers.

As we became accustomed to the otherness of students with disabilities, Team members overcame shyness and barriers to communication, built up understanding and acceptance of the different appearance, behavior and communication, and the many dysfunctions of people with disabilities. We made a contract, writing down the rules on the basis of which we were to build mutual trust and peer relations.

The team had the opportunity to learn about the capabilities of the project participants during a number of meetings. One of them took place in the media room located in the Science Generator in Jaslo. A group of peers developed their interests by playing table games together. It turned out that board games brought a lot of joy and satisfaction to all members of the Team, and were a great opportunity to spend time in a valuable way and establish friendly relations.

A great opportunity to get to know each other better was to spend free time at the Jaslo Inter-School Bursa, where students of the Special School and Educational Center in Jaslo live during school days. The Team had the opportunity to learn about the organization of the extracurricular life of their colleagues from the SOSW, their living conditions, their interests and favorite after-school activities. Members of the Team eagerly participated in joint games on the grounds of the dormitory.

Tatiana , Artur, Daria, Sara, Zuzia i Karol

The GGP task is implemented within the framework of the project: “Jasło – City of Knowledge” carried out within the framework of the project financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget titled “Jasło – my city, my home”.

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