PLN 16 million, 4 areas, 20 projects, 3 years – we start the project “Jasło – my city, my home”


20 different projects, including investment projects, with a total value of PLN 16 million will be implemented over the next two years under the project “Jasło – my city, my home”. The city received funding for these tasks from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021.

Jasło, as one of 29 cities in Poland, received funding to implement tasks planned under the Local Development Program. The city’s partners in several of them are: Association of Municipalities of the Wisłoka River Basin, Jasło Entrepreneurs Association and Active Galicia Foundation.

Our projects are located in four areas: economic, social, environmental and smart city management.

The economic area includes:

  • Adjusting education to the labour market needs (organisation of professional internships)
  • Tailor-made career paths (consulting on professional development)
  • Urban design (“Dudusia” bench, installation of a viewing telescope on the city vineyard)
  • City potentials as a basis for development of local entrepreneurship (incl. workshops for residents)
  • Days of entrepreneurship (e.g. exhibition and trade fair meeting, study tour)

In the social area:

  • Implementation of the Jasło City of Knowledge program (continuation of activities and introduction of other tasks, e.g: Jaslo Scientific Society, Jaslo Training Voucher, Jaslo Youth Time Bank)
  • Creating an activity support center for non-governmental organizations (creation of a dedicated place, trainings, substantive support)
  • Active Senior Center – investment and non-investment part (creating a place for seniors – providing support and assistance, including specialized support)

In the environmental area:

  • Ecological campaign for environmental protection with the Association of Municipalities of the Wisłoka River Basin – investment and non-investment part (replacement of old heat sources with gas boilers, educational ecological workshops)
  • Construction of 5KDZ road with accompanying infrastructure – investment project (construction of the road with reconstruction of colliding underground utilities)
  • Construction of the Transport Centre in Jasło – investment project (construction – stage I, interchange I stage, transfer node for passengers using public and private transport, transferring to railroad and bus transport – Metzgera Street)
  • City is Me (thematic actions, housing estate tournament, flashmob, singing workshops)
  • Idziemy w Jasło (civic cafe, creative workshops)

In the area of smart city management:

  • Implementation of actions based on the self-assessment tool for local government units prepared by the OECD (e.g. strategic planning, coordination of actions between the departments of the office and organisational units)
  • Control under control (trainings, workshops, specialist courses for employees of the office and its units)
  • Communication system with Jaslo residents (developing and implementing an IT system in web and mobile versions to facilitate and develop dialogue and information exchange between residents and the city hall)
  • Who, what, where, when, why? – Who, What, Where, Why? – we focus on clear communication (among others: elaboration and creation of a catalog of templates of letters most often directed to the office by the clients, elaboration and introduction of unified templates of letters directed to the residents for each department of the office),
  • Developing an accessibility program for the City of Jasło (developing a set of requirements and guidelines describing how to design and implement investments, services and activities so that everyone can benefit from them: seniors, small children and people with various disabilities).

All tasks are expected to be completed by the end of April 2024, and are expected to result in the achievement of the set goals:

  • Jaslo – space for dialogue and good conditions to develop social participation
  • Jasło – friendly place to live
  • Jasło – city of environmentally friendly inhabitants
  • Recognizable brand of Jasło based on endogenous potentials

We encourage you to read the documents developed in the process of public participation, as part of project preparation:

Local Development Plan for the city of Jasło

Institutional Development Plan for the City of Jaslo