Help me, show me, hear me

zajęcia Giełda Genialnych Pomysłów

As part of the Genius Ideas Exchange competition for Jasło, we are implementing a project on communication between children with intellectual disabilities and their peers in the intellectual norm from Jaslo elementary schools. The topic of our project: AAC-will you tell me? – how to facilitate communication between children with intellectual and combined disabilities and children in the intellectual norm from Jasło elementary schools? is a challenge for us.

Hearing the statement “person with a disability” the average citizen opens a schematic window in his head, which arouses natural anxiety, pity, sympathy, fear. The social distance that various types of disabilities arouse does not frighten us. We want to show that the fear stems from a lack of widespread communication.

Our unique team consisting of: Maja, Milena, Igor and Patrick learn, explore and practice the secrets of alternative and assistive communication, or AAC. Unspeakable words can be shown. Our exceptional peers, like us, have a right to be heard. And how does AAC affect us? It diametrically changes the comfort of our relationships in the team. What we wish for you as well.

Maja, Milena, Igor, Patrick

The GGP task is implemented within the framework of the project: “Jasło – City of Knowledge” implemented within the framework of the project financed from the funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget titled “Jasło – my city, my home”.

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